“That Day Where You Didn’t Get Anything Done You Wanted To” (S3Ep07)

Notes from this episode:

We’ve all had those days. Sometimes it seems like every day is like this. You start with a nice, organized to-do list. Then five minutes into the day you’re putting out fires, responding to emails, reacting to interruptions…and then? The day is over. And none of the important stuff on your list got done. 

Sound familiar? In this episode, we give you a simple framework to help take back your day, tame the urgent, and get back to doing the most important parts of your work.

This episode focuses on the “Urgent vs Important Matrix (otherwise known as the “Eisenhower Matrix” named after President Eisenhower):

  • If something is both urgent and important, do it first! Don’t do anything else until you’ve made progress on these types of tasks.
  • If something is not urgent but it’s still important, put it on the schedule so that you have a plan to get it done at some point (and then stick to that schedule!).
  • If something is urgent but not important, try to delegate it to someone else, or do it only AFTER the more important tasks are done.
  • If something is both not urgent and not important, just don’t do it! Focus on the more important and more urgent tasks.

Tips to organize your day:

  • Start with prayer! Ask Him to help you discern how to spend your time wisely each day.
  • Start with intention. Be careful not to go into “react” mode and let others direct your day.
  • Fight off the temptation to do non-urgent / non-important tasks just because they feel productive when they’re actually taking time away from the urgent / important work you need to do.
  • Enlist a friend or manager that will hold you accountable – think of them like a “personal trainer” for your work. If you don’t have someone available to help, you’ll need to disciplined and learn skills to hold yourself accountable.
  • Try setting a timer or using an online productivity tracker as an experiment to see how you’re doing and what types of tasks are using up most of your time.

Links from this show:

  • Matt references a couple of previous episodes which you can watch or listen here: “The 80/20 Rule“, “The 82%
  • Read Eisenhower’s full quote and learn more about the Eisenhower Matrix HERE!
  • In the “People Got Church Problems” segment, Matt suggests using Flocknote to target messages to different segments of folks based on their engagement levels. You can do so with our Filter & Bulk Action Tool. Learn how HERE!
  • Did you find Uno? Send us a photo at howdy@findinguno.com.
  • Have a general question about church communication? Submit it to our hotline at Findinguno.com/ask-a-question

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