
“Reaching Your Flock During a Lockdown” (S2Ep02)

“Reaching Your Flock During a Lockdown” (S2Ep02)

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When COVID hit last year and everything locked down, some churches found they had no trouble reaching their people. For many others, though, they learned quickly just how few of their people they could really reach directly when they needed to most! How’d your church do? Join us as we analyze one of the most important lessons-learned from this whole crisis.

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“The 82%” (S2Ep01)

“The 82%” (S2Ep01)

One of the most fundamental mistakes we see ministry leaders repeatedly make when it comes to communication (digital or otherwise) is fail to understand the difference between the 7% and the 82%. And now with all these covid lockdowns, it is more important than ever that church leaders understand this distinction well. 

Who are the 82%? Why do churches continue to fail to reach them? Will they come back after COVID? Tune in to learn more!

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